Friday, November 30, 2018

A magical time

I have so many fond memories at Disney parks.  My aunt took me to Disneyland for the very first time when I was in seventh grade.  My husband and I honeymooned at Disney World.  I was able to take my son to Tokyo Disneyland for his very first Disney experience.  All three of these will always be special memories for me.

Of course, our visit last week will also rank high on my favorite Disney trips because it was the first time I was able to see the parks sprinkled with the spirit of Christmas.  For Tokyo Disney Parks, it was extra special because this year also celebrates the 35th anniversary of Tokyo Disneyland opening.  To commemorate the anniversary, all throughout the two parks, there were fun statues of Mickey. 

We also made sure to enjoy the celebratory parades: "Dreaming Up!" at Disneyland and "Happiest Celebration on the Sea" at DisneySea.  One thing about it, Disney has the best parades!  These were fantastic.

While sitting, enjoying a parade, it suddenly occurred to me - time at Tokyo Disneyland is an incredible representation of my currently life.  Everything looks so familiar, yet I don't necessarily understand the details of what is going on.  With each production, I recognized the music, but I don't know the Japanese words to the song.  I often found myself dancing and enjoying myself, but I couldn't understand the dialogue of the shows.  But no matter the questions I couldn't answer, I joined in and had a great time.

It is so hard to explain to people who don't live in a world where they don't speak the language the daily challenges and burdens one experiences. 

This didn't deter from my magical time.  Instead I just embraced as much as I could.  And my whole family enjoyed all that Disney had to offer.


  1. love what you said about recognizing the music, but not knowing the words. Our last big trip to Disney LA, we stayed late for "Together Forever", which was a celebration of Pixar movies. Everything was pretty normal until they started playing Remember Me from Coco--the people of Latin descent in the crowd absolutely went crazy. Their eyes were shining with joy--it was such an amazing insight into how much representation matters, and how easy it can be to be inclusive.


The time has come to say goodbye

Earlier this year my husband applied for a new job. As usual, I encouraged him as he went through the interview process. It was a long, draw...