Friday, July 23, 2021

Summer has officially begun

Just as the rainy season was coming to an end last week, the cicadas began to sign the song of summer. To many Japanese people, the constant chirping is the sound of summer.

Right behind the cicadas came the start of summer vacation from school. It is a short six week break, but includes a good portion of homework to keep kids on their toes. My second grader is taking the workload in stride, tackling a little bit of it each day and thinking hard about what to do for his summer project. Last year he did a study of rhinoceros beetles. This year he is going to do an art project.

The bugs and beetles are out in full force in the park, encouraging the annual tradition of nighttime bug hunts. We have a new rule that our son can bring home a beetle from the park to observe, but must return it no later than one week later. So far, this has been a great compromise.

The heat has hit full force, with temps above 34°C (91°F) almost every day for the past week. I'm trying to get out in the morning and spend the afternoons indoors, but sometimes I barely get my potted plants in the yard watered.

And, tonight, the Olympics officially began. We stayed at home to watch the opening ceremony on television. It is weird knowing that this huge event is happening in my backyard (the Olympic Village is only 18 km/11 mi from my house), yet we are so distanced from the whole affair. For me, this Olympics will be the same as all the others as far as my only connection to it being via television. Long ago I thought we would go to one or two of the smaller events, but that is definitely not going to happen. I just hope that everyone is as safe as possible (although I've already read about 71 confirmed Covid cases associated with the games...).

While I have dreams of road trips, camping, and simply taking my son out into nature, I am coming to the realization that it just isn't going to happen this summer. When I told my friend this earlier today, she laughed and said "so you're wanting to give him an American summer?" I hadn't realized it, but her remark was right on the money. I'm just thankful that my son adores Japanese summers filled with bugs, fireworks, and finding a multitude of ways to beat the heat - especially with cold treats like shaved ice.

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