Saturday, June 22, 2019

Delayed gratification

I woke up with a start at 5 am.  I could feel that something was wrong.  After checking my phone,  I found out my dear friend's flight was delayed and she would not be able to catch her connection.  My heart sank.  I didn't want to face another day without seeing her beautiful face. 

Recently, I've been feeling so lonely.  When my cousins headed home, they took a piece of my heart with them that I wasn't expecting to give.  We hadn't been in close contact for several years and their visit really brought us together on a whole new level.  I've been so sad since they headed back home.

So, finding out that I would have to wait for an extra 24 hours to see my friend, was crushing to say the least. 

When an ocean divides a person from his or her daily life, rescheduling at the last minute is excruciating!  From a missed FaceTime call to a delayed airplane, it is horrible because you don't necessarily have the ability to make it up. 

To brighten up my day, my son came to the rescue.  We started by having an epic pillow fight, then did some cleaning (always therapeutic for me), and finally cracked open the art supplies. 

Around lunch time, we had finally found our centers and went out for just a bit between some rain showers.  While we were out and about I realized that the park moms were having their monthly potluck.  This would be the perfect way to end a day of trying to put a brave face on when I just wanted to melt down and bawl.

When the time came, we packed up and headed over to dine with the mommas.  It was another successful event that reenergized me and brought me a feeling of joy and belonging.  Although we left the party early (typically my son stays home, but he came with me tonight and we needed to get home for him to go to bed), it was great to go and get a breath of fresh air.

Tomorrow will be a new day, where I will travel to the airport and pick up my ray of sunshine.  I can't wait!

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