Friday, May 22, 2020

Coronavirus through a child’s eyes...

I saw this going around Facebook and thought I would ask my son about Covid-19.  These are his answers.  He is currently 6 years old.

1. What is Covid-19?
It’s a virus that looks like a crown. And if you get it you would cough and sneeze. That makes your breathing very hard. Hard to breathe.

2. How many days have we been home?
Aaaaaaa lot! It feels like 1,000, but it’s actually not.

3. Do you want to go back to school?
Which school?  I want to see my new friends and I do want to go to my new school.

4. Who is the first person you are going to hug when this is over?
Shin-kun. If I could I would do Kako-Chan.

5. Where is the first place you want to go?
US. Africa. And … ask me again later.

6. What do you think we can do to get rid of the Coronavirus?
Keep washing hands. 10 times a day. More vitamins. D!  Vitamin D the most!  But it’s really hard to get because you wear a jacket, you wear a mask...

7. Are mom and dad good teachers?
(Laughing)  Ummm… Very good teachers. 1,051% I can say they are good teachers.

8. How did the coronavirus start?
I don’t know. How did it???

9. If you had to wear protective clothing what would it be?
Mask, hat, jacket that won’t warm up, pants is what I would wear for protective clothing.

10. Are you enjoying being home?
Nods head yes. Yes I am enjoying. We can play games like we did yesterday. We could make stuff. I could do anything but not something that allows a park and play equipment and something else.

11. What is your favorite thing about staying home everyday?
I can be with my family.

12. What is your least favorite thing about staying home everyday?
I can’t be with my friends. Also I miss being at the park. Wearing a mask!

13. Is there anything else you’d like to say about coronavirus?
Bad coronavirus. I want to fling it into outer space. Coronavirus needs to move around. It doesn’t like to stay still. If we sent it there, it would be gone. That’s just a guess.
I’m very sad because our friends and us are getting further and further from each other. Coronavirus is bad.

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