Monday, August 26, 2019

Upcoming anniversary

With our two year coming-to-Japan anniversary just a couple days away, I'm consumed with thoughts.  I am reflecting on our life here and the differences between living in Japan versus the US.  It is no surprise to anyone that I love Japan very much.  I think it is a very special place that has always been almost magical for me.  I also have lots of frustrations here with things that I know could be vastly improved.  Life anywhere contains both positives and negatives.

As our anniversary comes around, I have lots of people inquiring about our impending departure date.  When I told people we were moving to Japan, I often used the words "for two years."  I included these words because that is the length of time I committed to my husband that I would stay.  With my experience living here before, I knew the first year is spent overcoming a lot of hurdles.  The second year was a chance to really find a groove. 

What many people heard was "we are moving to Japan for two years" or "we are leaving Japan in two years."  I have to take responsibility.  My verbiage provided a path for people to think my husband had a two year contract.  This isn't the case.  I was only willing to agree to a two year stint.  Of course, when I agreed to this it was because I had lived here previously with a year contract that I could renew if I wanted.  So, to me, we could easily be here for two years and then just go back home.  I was living in a fantasy world. 

My husband has to wait for a transfer in order to go back to the states.  And we also have to consider what is best for our family.  Our time in Japan is not done - which both excites and saddens me at the same time.  We don't know when our Japan chapter will end.  And right now, we aren't ready for that chapter to be over.

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