Monday, February 11, 2019

The dime shop is open for business

My husband and son came home with a plethora of little processed treats the other day.  The boys were so excited about this bag full of tiny candies and salty snacks.  They sat at the table and dug through everything, examining each item intently.

They had found a ¥10 candy shop, known as a dagashiya (da-ga-she-ya), in Kitamachi that sold small candies that my husband enjoyed when he was a kid.  They consumed their lot and wanted to drag me to the shop to see it with my own eyes.

Nerima No Dagashiya is a blast from the past.  It is a tiny shop, stuffed with retro candies as well as a few super cheap toys and gag props (like fake glasses with a nose and mustache). 

There are not very many dagashiyas around anymore.  Back in the 1950's they were all over the place.  Children would stop by the shops on their way home from school to by a ¥10 candy or two.  Many of the same candies are available today - for the same price that they were sold back then (although I did hear that some of the dagashiya in Tokyo charge between 2-3 times the original retail price)!

The shop offers lots of little chocolates, cotton candy, and chewy candies that are very recognizable and familiar. 

However, they also have a lot of very interesting things that are unique to Japan.  Mayonnaise flavored snacks are not something I've ever seen before!  There are also several different squid snacks as well.

It was fun seeing all the candy that made my husband nostalgic as he reminisced each time he picked something up.  My son was excited because he was allowed to get more sugary treats. 

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