Thursday, May 10, 2018

Ribbit, Ribbit

I took my son to the park after school like I do almost every day.  As we pulled up to where our friends were hanging out, I suddenly noticed a lot of movement on the ground.  Several of the kids were crouched down, periodically grabbing something.  As soon as I stopped the bike, the kids came running over to show me the tiny frogs they had caught.  I looked around and they were everywhere.  Thousands of them hopping all over the sidewalk and as far as I could see. 

The kids were collecting them by the fistful.  I happily peered into their palms, oohing and ahhing to their delight.  I then carefully got them to hand over their captive little babies, since they were being loved a bit too much. 

It was so fun watching them hop to and fro, but it was a bit daunting taking any steps since there were so many little frogs hopping about.

After a while the kids began to move further out.  They soon discovered a mud pit of their own.  The kids were quick to walk right in.  Some of their boots got stuck in the mud, so we removed their boots and let them dive right in.  There were sounds of joy as they threw the mud, made mud pies, and wiggled around in it.

There are some things that don't have borders - kids playing in mud is a world wide pleasure. 

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