Thursday, April 12, 2018

More fancy Kit Kats

I'll be the first to admit that I have a weird Kit Kat addiction.  Not a weird addiction, but an affinity toward weird flavors of Kit Kats.  When I see them, I  just want to experience the unique flavor that cannot be found elsewhere.  I get a little jolt each time I see a flavor I've never seen before.  Knowing my lack of willpower, my husband rolls his eyes as I grab a box and hand over my yen. 

As previously reported, Japan has developed the perfect marketing strategy for a simple candy bar.  They offer limited edition flavors and only sell them in specific markets.  It's truly genius, and it is really working as sales are always enviable. 

Recently, I have had come across a few more flavors worthy of sharing.

Tokyo Banana: A popular souvenir treat from Tokyo.  It's a bit like a banana flavored Twinkie.  I personally thing they are disgusting.  The Kit Kat version isn't much better.  I've seen these at airports in Tokyo.

Ruby: An elite flavor, part of the Sublime line.  Ruby is a naturally pink chocolate that tastes a bit like strawberries.  You have to buy the Ruby Kit Kats at the special Chocolatory stores.

Shinshu Apple: Another regional flavor, this time featuring apples from the Shinshu region.  A delightful balance of apple with chocolate.  I found these at the Chocolatory store in Ginza, but I've also seen them at the airport.

These treats are one of my favorite souvenirs to share with people.  And there's never a lack of new flavors to try.  I'm sure that this is not my last post about Kit Kats!

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