Friday, April 5, 2019

Just keep swimming

My son is starting new swimming lessons.  Learning to swim is so important.  Plus, he is a little fish.  Any time he gets around water, he just wants to be in it. 

To register him, we had to get a return postage paid postcard and mail it to the swimming instructor.  This threw me for a loop.  When I mentioned it to a friend, she asked me how we register for classes in the US.  I told her we send and email or register online.  This made her laugh and say "sometimes we have a hard time changing!"  In fact, fax machines are still really popular in Japan.  They came into fashion and never left.  My in-laws always had one in their home.

Today was the first day of lessons.  My son was super excited.  This would be the first time that I dropped him at the door for him to change and get to class all by himself.  For this class moms don't go and help their kids change and get ready.  The kids are expected to handle it themselves.  Part of me wants to scream "but he's so little" and the other part wants to scream "wahoo!"

The swimming lessons were pretty standard.  The kids were broken into groups based on how far they could swim.  They did activities like holding their breath underwater and kicking their legs.  Then they played a couple games and grabbed some pool noodles for last minute entertainment.

The kids had a great time.  Isn't that what swimming lessons are all about?  Fun and learning all rolled up in a big wet hole. 

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